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Melepaskan song pada keseluruhan badan dan odot

Melepaskan song pada keseluruhan badan dan odot

Berdiri dengan pusat tapak kaki & jangan condong

Berdiri dengan pusat tapak kaki & jangan condong

Ratakan dada ,bahu dan siku mendap ke bawah dengan song

Ratakan dada ,bahu dan siku mendap ke bawah dengan song

Tegakkan tulang belakang (Wei Li), kepala dalam keadaan tergantung

Tegakkan tulang belakang (Wei Li), kepala dalam keadaan tergantung

Tulang belakang di keadaan arah masuk, buntut dan yi song ke bawah

Tulang belakang di keadaan arah masuk, buntut dan yi song ke bawah

Tenangkan semangat demi kekalkan qi di tiga pusat badan (Kepala, tangan dan kaki)  Jangan bergerak tanpa yi

Tenangkan semangat demi kekalkan qi di tiga pusat badan (Kepala, tangan dan kaki)  Jangan bergerak tanpa yi

Tumpuhkan tenaga yi di 3 pusat (kepala atas, perineum, tapak kaki)

Tumpuhkan tenaga 
yi di 3 pusat (kepala atas, perineum, tapak kaki)

Tegakkan badan, jantung bertenang dan sentiasa song ke bawah

Tegakkan badan, jantung bertenang dan sentiasa song ke bawah

Pinggang memulakan setiap pergerakan pusing

Pinggang memulakan setiap pergerakan pusing

Pergerakan batis mendahului langkah maju ke hadapan atau mundur ke belakang, kaki belakang song ke bawah

Pergerakan batis mendahului langkah maju ke hadapan atau mundur ke belakang, kaki belakang song ke bawah

Melepaskan song pada keseluruhan badan dan odot

Mahaguru Huang / sejarah hidup life History / 13 soal & jawab Q & A


oleh En. Foong Choon Sang. Terjemah oleh Len Lee Nam, Dibantu oleh Lai Yin Wai
GM Cheng Man Ching and GM Huang - Taiwan 25 June 1955 (GM Cheng's Birthday)
Lokasi: Persatuan Tai Chi Huang Tenom terletak di sebuah daerah pedalaman Sabah, iaitu Tenom.

Nama: Persatuan ini ditubuhkan pada 6hb Jun 1975. Pada awal peubuhannya, persatuan ini dinamakan Persatuan Tai Chi Sabah, Cawangan Tenom. Demi menperingati Mahaguru Huang Sheng Shyian (Huang Xing Xian), maka nama persatuan ini telah diubah kepada Persatuan Tai Chi Huang, Tenom pada 11 Jun 1998.

Asal Usul: Penubuhan persatuan ini adalah atas usaha sekumpulan penggemar Tai Chi di Tenom yang diketuai oleh En. Ng Kim Guan. Mereka tertarik oleh kemahiran Mahaguru Huang dan ingin mempelajari Tai Chi daripada beliau. .Lantaran itu, Presiden Persatuan Tai Chi Sabah, En, Kok Peng Fui mengetahui hasrat dan keazaman mereka, maka Persatuan Tai Chi Sabah, Cawangan Tenom pun ditubuhkan dan Mahaguru Huang merupakan jurulatih utama.

Visi: Tai Chi merupakan satu siri latihan fizikal klasik yang berasal dari China dan berasaskan pada ajaran I-Ching. Tai Chi menitiberatkan falsafah Taoisme, Konfusius dan Buddha. Penekanan ini membolehkan pengamal hidup berharmoni dengan alam sekitar dan hidupan. Kesihatan badan dan minda, ketinggian tahap integriti dan moral, kesediaan untuk berkongsi kesejahteraan dengan orang lain tanpa diskriminasi dapat dijana menerusi amalan Tai Chi.

Penubuhan: Pada 5 April 1970 Mahaguru Huang telah menewaskan Liao Guang Cheng dalam satu pertarungan yang bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan tabung kebajikan. Atas kemenangan tersebut, Mahaguru Huang mengemukakan konsep “Dunia Tai Chi merupakan satu keluarga” yang menyarankan semangat perpaduan dalam kepelbagaian cabang Tai Chi. GM Huang using song to throw Nov 1987 in Singapore Beliau turut menyatakan hasrat bahawa pengamal Tai Chi dari merata dunia boleh mewujudkan tempat amalan masing-masing demi mencapai tiga matlamat berikut;
1) kelahiran jurulatih yang terdiri daripada sekumpulan pengamal Tai Chi yang mahir tanpa mengira bangsa, agama, asal-usul negara.
2) penyediaan kemudahan latihan yang lengkap dan dianggap sebagai “rumah”
3) kesinambungan dan perkembangan pendidikan Tai Chi.

Grandmaster Huang rationalised that by achieving the first goal, trained local instructors would then be able to spread Tai Chi into other areas. With the second goal, branches owning their own buildings and facilities would be better able to withstand uncertainties and to remain resolute in the pursuit of Tai Chi. By attaining the first two goals, the third goal is more likely to fall into place.

With his visionary foresight, Grandmaster Huang formulated these long term goals based on the principles of Tai Chi Tao. Continuously refining the Tai Chi exercises, with his untiring efforts, he passionately disseminated his skills and knowledge to all who were fortunate to learn from him.

Grandmaster Huang repeatedly advised his students to uphold and promote the concepts of "World Tai Chi as one Family" and "Peace and Good Health among World Citizens" and that all his students transform these concepts into reality. With tenacity, the Association has totally accepted Grandmaster Huang’s unwavering goals. As the first and third goals (local instructors and securing the continuity of Tai Chi) need a longer time frame to materialise and are admittedly full of challenges, we at Tenom have adopted the goal of building the Association premises as the starting point for our Tai Chi journey.

Yang Pertama Menerapkan Konsep “Dunia Tai Chi Merupakan Satu Keluarga”: Atas inisiatif pengamal Tai Chi dari Tenom dan bantuan mendiang En. Yang Long Wen, kami berjaya memperoleh RM 100,000 untuk membayar deposit pembelian sebidang tanah yang seluas 0.647 ekar. GM Huang leading a Tenom class in the new building 1981 Pada 16 Oktober 1978, Mahaguru Huang telah dijemput untuk merasmikan upacara pecah tanah bagi pembinaan bangunan persatuan. Kos pembinaan yang dianggarkan melebihi RM 400,000 pasti merupakan satu jumlah perbelanjaan yang amat besar memandangkan keahlian persatuan pada masa itu hanyalah seramai 30 orang. Walau bagaimanapun, atas daya usaha Mahaguru Huang, sumbangan daripada pelbagai pihak turut diberikan seperti badan kerajaan, pihak swasta, ahli-ahli Tai Chi Huang dari seluruh negara dan seberang laut. Akhirnya, pembinaan bangunan telah berjaya didirikan pada tahun 1980.

Perasmian Pembukaan: Sebagai cawangan yang pertama memiliki premis, Mahaguru Huang memutuskan bahawa perasmian pembukaan dilangsungkan pada 1hb Ogos 1982. Beliau berharap agar cawangan lain meneladani Persatuan Tai Chi Huang, Tenom. Persatuan ini juga menyambut ulang tahun ke-6 dan Mahaguru Huang menyampaikan sijil kelulusan kepada para pengamal yang telah lulus ujian. Tetamu kehormat ialah Dato’ Lin Yuan Xin, Menteri Pertanian dan Perikanan Sabah.

At the personal invitation of Grandmaster Huang, many distinguished guests both locally and from abroad attended the function. Among the guests were the wife of the late Grandmaster Professor Cheng Man-Ching - Madam Ding Wei Zhuang as well as students of Grandmaster Cheng including Mr Wang Shi Zhang (USA); Drs Yu Kang Qiang and Chen Han Xiong (Australia), Mr Wang Sheng Bang - President of Singapore Tai Chi Association and former Senator Zhang Yong Xiang (Singapore), General Shi Jue - Chairman of Taiwan International Tai Chi Chuan Federation, Mr Pan Qing Ru - Chairman of Kaoshiong Tai Chi Association (Taiwan), Mr Hu Yun Zhuo - President of Hong Kong Chung Hwa Martial Arts and Sports Federation, artist Mr Yi Yue Shi (Hong Kong). Tenom class 8th June 1996 Also present were well known calligrapher Mr Huang Yao and students of Huang Tai Chi from all over the world. The total number of Tai Chi attendees was in excess of 200. In conjunction with the above function, an art exhibition featuring Chinese paintings and calligraphy was held in the Association building. The exhibits included works of Grandmaster Cheng Man-Cheng and Madam Ding Wei Zhuang, Li Xia, Ren Bo Nian, Huang Jun Bi, Weng Wen Wei, Huang Yao, Li Jia Yao, Yi Yue Shi, Guo Qin Fang, Venerable Master Bo Yuan, Tao Shou Bo, Wang Yuan Ren, Huang Guo Bin, General He Ying Qin , General Xue Yue. The above events marked the most memorable and proudest moment in the history of the Association.

Semangat Tenom: Maharaja Huang merujuk Persatuan Tai Chi Huang, Tenom sebagai satu bukti kejayaan hasil semangat berpasukan (esprit de corps). Justeru, beliau memilih persatuan ini sebagai landasan kea rah mempertingkatkan hubungan dan persefahaman dalam kalangan komuniti sejagat menerusi Tai Chi.

Peninggalan Bermakna Mahaguru Huang Sheng Shyan: Walaupun ahli-ahli Tenom telah mencurahkan usaha yang tinggi untuk melihat kejayaan penubuhan premis Persatuan Tai Chi Huang, Tenom, namun sumbangan Mahaguru Huang adalah amat besar hasil ikthiar beliau yang tidak mengenal penat lelah dan kesediaan untuk menyampaikan ilmu kepada anak murid beliau. Dalam tempoh dua dekad, banyak premis telah berjaya didirikan oleh persatuan Tia Chi di seluruh pelusuk negara termasuklah New Zealand. Kini, kejayaan beliau dalam menyebarkan amalan Tai Chi di merata dunia sukar ditandingi dan pengajaran beliau tetap menjadi asas dan tunggak perkembangan dunia Tai Chi.

Struktur Organisasi: Persatuan ini didaftarkan di bawah Akta Pertubuhan 1966. Menurut peraturan dan perlembagaan persatuan, pemilihan jawatankuasa tertinggi diadakan dua tahun sekali. Berikut merupakan senarai jawatankuasa tertinggi bagi tahun 2017-2018:

Pengerusi: Yong Kon Fook (Alex)
Timbalan Pengerusi: Chin Su Fook
Setiausaha: Ng Kon Fah
Penolong Setiausaha: Kan Kun Tat
Bendahari: Lim Jit King
Penolong Bendahari: Suman
Pegawai Aktiviti:
(Under 45s):
Chew Kok Yan (Andrew)
Penolong Pegawai Aktiviti: Yong Tze Vei (Denis)
Pegawai Hal Ehwal Wanita: Chong Chit Moi
Penolong Pegawai Hal Ehwal Wanita: Lai Li Fong
Ahli Jawatankuasa: Foong Choon Sang, Ng Moi Fong, Ng Kim Hui, Tam Kong Zin, Tham Siew Mai

by Mr Foong Choon Sang. Translation by Len Lee Nam, assisted by Lai Yin Wai

Mahaguru Huang merupakan anak murid Mahaguru Cheng Man Ching (郑曼青1901-1975) yang mempelajari Tai Chi Chuan daripada Mahaguru Yang Cheng Fu (杨澄甫).

Mahaguru Cheng mahir dalam bidang seni yang merangkumi puisi Cina, kaligrafi, lukisan, perubatan tradisional Cina dan Tai Chi Chuan. Beliau telah menjelajahi dunia Timur dan Barat. Beliau mengiktiraf kepentingan Tai Chi terhadap kesihatan dan kepanjangan hayat.

GM Huang using a neon-light tube to show song when throwing Nov 1987 in Singapore Mahaguru Huang dilahirkan di Fuzhou, Wilayah Fujian, China.Beliau memiliki daya intelek yang tinggi di samping berbakat dalam bidang seni mempertahankan diri. Kemahiran beliau termasuklah "Fujian White Crane”, “Shaolin Luo Han” dan Tai Chi Chuan” . Beliau sentiasa berkongsi kemahiran dan pengetahuan dengan rakan-rakan dan mendapat pengiktirafan yang tinggi dalam usaha memperluas Tai Chi Chuan.

Berdasarkan amalan seni mempertahankan diri selama 60 tahun, beliau yakin bahawa kesemua seni mempertahankan diri sememangnya mempunyai matlamat yang sama. Beliau mengumpamakan kepelbagaian seni ini sebagai aliran air yang berpunca daripada pelbagai sumber . Kesemua aliran air ini menuju ke lautan akhirnya.

Beliau mengesyorkan konsep “Dunia Tai Chi merupakan satu keluarga” pada tahun 1970. Kesemua anak murid beliau dipertanggungjawabkan untuk memperluas amalan Tai Chi Chuan demi keamanan dan kesihatan manusia sejagat. Anak murid beliau berasal dari seluruh pelusuk dunia. Kini, jumlah pengamal Tai Chi Huang mencecah puluhan ribu orang. Terdapat 23 buah cawangan Tai Chi Huang di Malaysia dan sepuluh daripada cawangan tersebut memiliki premis latihan masing-masing.

Menerusi pandangan dan halatuju beliau yang berwawasan, Mahaguru Huang telah meletakkan asas yang cukup kuat ke arah perealisasian konsep “Dunia Tai Chi merupakan satu keluarga”.

A Brief Chronological Life History of Grand Master Huang (GMH)
By Foong Choon Sang (Some information was extracted from The Biography of Grand Master Huang)
Translation by Len Lee Nam, assisted by Lai Yin Wai

1910 Born on 15th February in Qianyu Village (前屿村) of Gushan Town (鼓山镇), city of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China.
1917 Received early education under the tutelage of Ruan family (阮家) private tuition centre. Studied ‘You Xue Qiong Lin' (幼学琼林), Chinese History 'Zuo Zhuan' (左传), Analects of Confucius (伦语), Mencius (孟子) and other Chinese Classics.
1923 As his mother was injured by a bully of the same village, GMH wanted to take revenge by learning martial arts. His mum advised him not to harbour hatred. She wanted him to learn martial arts for health, to help others and to defend the country’s dignity. GMH took heed of her advice.
1924 He learnt the art of Calling Crane (鸣鹤), one type of White Crane boxing from Master Xie Zongxiang (谢宗祥), aka Yu Si (俞司)(1852 - 1930). Master Xie’s teacher was Grand Master Pan Yuba (潘屿八) a well-known Calling Crane exponent who first learnt Luo Han Quan (罗汉拳) then White Crane Boxing. The Calling Crane form of martial arts was formed when Grand Master Pan combined the Luo Han Quan (二十八宿) into White Crane. The originator of Goju-Ryu Karate Higaonna Karyu(1853-1915) and founder Chogun Miyagi (1888-1953) were students of Master Xie. GMH graduated after learning from Master Xie for 3 years. Master Xie was so impressed by GMH’s impeccable respect for his teacher and his willingness to excel that he sent him to his elder disciple Chen Shiding (陈世鼎)aka Ma Huo Si (麻伙司) for further advancement, with that GMH achieved a quantum leap in Calling Crane boxing. During this period GMH befriended a monk from the Chongfu Temple (崇福寺) where he learnt about herbs, an essential part of Chinese medicines. GM Huang at 1st International Training Camp Mt Kinabalu 8th June 1983
1928 Learnt white crane boxing from Master Pan Zhuangnian (潘桩年), Pan was nicknamed “fresh fish ball (鱼丸嫩)” and of small build. Despite his size, he defeated many exponents and was very well known. After 3 years of learning, GMH had learnt the necessary skills and herbal medicine from Master Pan.
1931 Master Pan was very impressed with GMH’s ability and high moral character and encouraged him to travel to Shanghai where he could meet fellow martial arts exponents and exchange skills. With the help of a compatriot, he lived in a place provided by the San Shan Society(三山会馆). Later he set up a white crane school at Guo Min Road. He took part in activities of Chin Woo Men (精武门) where he met exponents of different martial arts and sharpened his skills further. During this period he came across and grew fond of Tai Chi Chuan.
1934 Under the instruction of Master Pan Zhuangnian, GMH returned to Fujian Province and took part in a Provincial Martial Arts Tournament finishing in 2nd place. With this success, he fulfilled his late mother’s wish and held a grand memorial service for her and vowed to uphold her teachings to treat others with compassion and propriety.
1937 Appointed Chief Instructor of Martial Arts of Fujian Province whereby he trained the “Broad Sword Squad” in the army.
1941 Served as Chief Commandant of special force and defeated the Japanese Army on various occasions, captured Abu Fumio (阿部文雄) but did not belittle him.
1945 Shared various Chinese martial arts and Chinese medicine with Master Wan Laisheng (万赖声). Master Wan was especially well known in Zi Ran Men (自然门), Shaolin Liu He Men (少林六合门), Shaolin Luo Han (少林罗汉神打), Xing Yi Boxing (形意拳), Ba Gua (八卦), Taiji (太极), Monkey Fist (猴拳), Pi Gua (劈卦). He was also good at weaponry. Master Wan regarded GMH as his compatriot and mutually traded their expertise in martial arts. With this GMH gained much insight and achieved great improvements in Chinese martial arts and medicines.
1946 Appointed Village Chief and served the community laboriously with care, diligence and propriety. He helped many people and did not expect a return of favour.
1949 Left China for Taiwan. Upon recommendation from elders and friends, GMH was fortunate to learn Tai Chi from Grand Master Cheng Man Ching. After 3 years of monitoring, GMH was finally accepted as a disciple of Grand Master Cheng, this fulfilled his dream of learning Tai Chi. GMH regarded as most fortunate to be able to learn Tai Chi from a learned and magnanimous teacher like Grand Master Cheng.

While in Taiwan, he was accepted as a god-son of Master Lin Guo Zhong (林国仲) who was grandmaster in Dancing Crane (纵鹤拳). It was at this time GMH gained further understandings of ‘Song (松)’ and ‘Rou (柔)’ where he had better insights into his own strengths and weaknesses and utilize the former to compensate the latter. His martial arts skills further improved.
GM Huang form - 'separation of left foot'
1951 On 4th April, GMH was appointed by the then Chairman of Taiwan Martial Arts Association Mr Wang Cheng Zhang (王成章) as head of the instructor group of that Association.
1953 Passed the Chinese Physician Examination and appointed an examiner of the Chinese Physician Examination Committee. GMH was appointed by the then Chancellor of Taiwan National University Mr Qian Si Liang (钱思亮) as lecturer in Chinese Martial Arts. He also set up Tai Chi classes at 97, Ning Bo West Street Taipei for compatriots from Fuzhou.
1954 Set up a clinic at Jiu Fen Jin Shan. Also appointed company physician for Tai Yang Jin Kuang (台阳金矿).
1955 Set up a clinic specializing in the treatment of bones injuries at No. 6, 59 Lane, Nan Chang Street, Taipei. In the same year at the instruction of Grand Master Cheng, GMH participated in Taiwan Chinese Martial Arts Tournament and emerged champion in the Tai Chi category, whilst two of his students got second and third placing. Their achievements gained much accolades from the Martial Arts circle.
1956 At the invitation of the Chairman of Singapore Chinese Medicine Association Mr Pan Ren Yu (潘仁愚), GMH moved to Singapore to teach Tai Chi. Among his students were some famous personalities including rubber magnate Dato’ Lee Guang Qian, philanthropist Mrs Loke Yew, banker Dr Lian Ying Zhou and show business magnate Dato’ Loke Yun Tao. During this time, Huang’s Tai Chi was born.
1959 From 1959 to 1968, Huang’s Tai Chi developed rapidly in Sarawak, East Malaysia, classes and associations at various towns and cities were set up. They are Kuching(1959), Sibu(1961), Binatang(1962), Serikei(1963), Miri(1966) and Kota Kinabalu(1968) in the State of Sabah.
1970 For the sake of charity to raise funds for the needy, a wrestling match was arranged in Kuching between GMH and renowned wrestler Liao Guang Cheng (廖广成). GMH won with a score of 26 to zero. In the same year GMH advocated the concept of “World Tai Chi as One Family” and encouraged ownership of association buildings amongst all Huang’s school throughout the country to ensure continuity in the propagation of Tai Chi.
1973 From 1973 to 1983 more associations are formed throughout Malaysia. They are Bintulu(1973), Selangor(1973), Klang(1973), Tenom(1975), Mentakab(1975), Temerloh(1976), Beaufort(1976), Kuantan(1978), Raub(1979), Keningau(1980), Balam(1980), Bentong(1981), Banting(1982) and Seremban(1983).
1980 At the invitation of the National Tai Chi Chuan Association of Republic of China (Taiwan), GMH attended the 4th Zhong Zheng(中正) International Tai Chi Chuan Competition and presented a Tai Chi demonstration. In recognition of GMH’s effort in the propagation of Tai Chi, GMH was presented the gold medallion in Health and Sports by the then Minister of Education Mr. Zhu Han Sen (朱涵森) while the certificate was presented by General Shi Jue (石觉) the Chairman of the National Tai Chi Chuan Association on behalf of Republic of China.
1982 At Tenom, GMH hosted an international Tai Chi conference and inauguration of the Tenom Association building which was set up based on the concept of ‘Tai Chi as One Family’.
1983 In order to further propagate and develop the art of Tai Chi, GMH conducted twelve instructor training workshops which included many foreign students. This has resulted in the spread of Tai Chi to different parts of the world and increased the number of Huang’s Tai Chi students.
1988 In mid October, at the invitation of the organizer of Hangzhou International Wushu Festival, a contingent headed by GMH visited the event followed by his ‘home coming’ visit to his birth place after a hiatus of 40 years. GMH and his entourage were invited by the Fujian Sports Committee to present a Tai Chi demonstration which was accorded with favourable remarks.
1989 In April, at the invitation of his students, viz Dr F.T.Z Chiu of Australia and Patrick Kelly of New Zealand et al, GMH together with his students visited and conducted Tai Chi classes in Sydney, Adelaide and Auckland which drew huge audiences and raised public interest in Tai Chi in these countries.

Attended the 2nd International Martial Arts World Cup Championship and Famous Person Top Level Competition in Los Angeles, USA and emerged champion in pushing hands and free sparring category and awarded a doctorate in Wushu.
1992 On 21st December, passed away in Fuzhou, China.

The Path to Success
Grand Master Huang, Mount Kinabalu 8th Oct 1987 GMH was exposed to Confucius teachings from young and inculcated with virtues contained in Chinese classics. In his life, he practised forgiveness for not taking revenge over his Mum’s sufferings. He was compassionate for not abusing Japanese POW, his propriety remained unshaken when his Dad was held hostage. With his determination, he overcame many adverse situations and gained the respect of adversaries.

With a deep sense of sincerity, GMH paid great respect to his teachers and observed the Tao. He served his teachers as if they were his own father and acknowledged the contribution made by each of his teachers. GMH’s conduct gained the trust and love from his teachers who unreservedly disseminated their expertise to him. Being humble and sincere, GMH also benefited from his close friends who shared their martial arts knowledge with him.

It was no surprise that with the vast knowledge of different types of martial arts, being gifted and unassuming, his eagerness to seek and through untiring experimentation that GMH acquired the skills in Tai Chi progressively and succeeded in becoming a grandmaster resulting in his own style of Tai Chi.

GMH’s spirit in the propagation of Tai Chi has gained respect from all levels of society. He started to spread the art from a humble beginning to one that garnered strong centripetal force resulting in many Tai Chi centres being established all over the world. His contribution to world peace and health will forever be cherished.

The Origin of Huang Tai Chi Chuan Tao
Having followed GMH in his golden years, the writer can well appreciate the reasons for the pursuit of “Tai Chi Chuan Tao” as GMH’s life long endeavour.

GMH often remarked that the practice of Tai Chi Chuan is based on the concepts of ‘Yin and Yang’, ‘hard and soft’, ‘stillness and movement’ contained in ‘I-Ching’. All these are known as Tao. Lao Zi (老子) said ‘Tao is something unseen and untouchable yet its objective presence can not be denied’. Simply put, Tao is the universal law of nature, it is omnipresent, while practicing Tai Chi it is important to follow nature. It is with such ease and relaxed state of mind that transformation takes place resulting in the weak becoming strong, the sick becoming healthy, the under performers becoming achievers, the timid becoming bold, from which the practitioner will experience a healthy and fulfilled life.

GM Cheng Man Ching in his old age wrote a book entitled 'Yi Quan 易全' where he explored the close relation between human and I-Ching. He considered “Shi Yi 十翼” most relevant where the following is being emphasized: “On heaven, yin and yang”, “On earth, hard and soft” and “On humanity, love and propriety”. These universal phenomena link the elements of heaven, earth and human together and result in harmony; such philosophy is deeply embedded in Oriental culture.

GMH placed heavy emphasis in ‘love and propriety’, ‘peace and harmony’ and ‘healthy body and mind’ when propagating Tai Chi, with ‘self-defence’ as a secondary objective. For these reasons, he named the art as “Huang Tai Chi Chuan Tao”.

FIN - Brief Chronological Life History of GMH by Foong Choon Sang

GM HUANG - 13 Questions and Answers

Click here for Grandmaster Huang's Thirteen Questions and Answers

The Life Long Martial Arts Experience of Grandmaster Huang

        The life long martial arts experience of Grandmaster Huang Sheng Shyan
                                                video (in Chinese): Part 1


        The life long martial arts experience of Grandmaster Huang Sheng Shyan
              video: Part 2 Disciples of GMH propagating Huang Tai Chi in China


song adalah rahsianya!

Persatuan Tai Chi Huang Tenom Sabah
P.S. 212, Tenom, Sabah, 89908, Malaysia