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release song into your whole body & muscles

release song into your whole body & muscles

body is in Central Equilibrium & not leaning when standing

body is in Central Equilibrium & not leaning when standing

chest flat with Song, shoulders & elbows sink with Song

chest flat with Song, shoulders & elbows sink with Song

tuck in Wie Li, head suspended

tuck in Wie Li, head suspended

tuck in tailbone, buttocks Song, & Yi is Song down

tuck in tailbone, buttocks Song, & Yi is Song down

spirit calm to retain Qi. 3 points (head, arms, legs) don’t move without Yi

spirit calm to retain Qi. 3 points (head, arms, legs) don’t move without Yi

concentrate on Yi in 3 central points (top of head, perineum, bottom of foot)

concentrate on Yi in 3 central points (top of head, perineum, bottom of foot)

body still, heart calm & always sinking down with Song

body still, heart calm & always sinking down with Song

release song into your whole body & muscles


The Life Long Martial Arts Experience of Grandmaster Huang Sheng Shyan:
Part 1 (in Chinese)

The life long martial arts experience of Grandmaster Huang Sheng Shyan:
Part 2 - Disciples of GMH propagating Huang Tai Chi in China

浑元站桩 (hun yuan zhan zhuang)

GMH listed 'hun yuan zhan zhuang’ as the
primary foundation lesson for Tai Chi beginners

Shown by Kan Kun Tat

开合脚 (kai he jiao) Opening and Closing

Developed by GMH to instil in the student the
differentiation of substantiality and insubstantiality

Shown by Mr. Foong Choon Sang

松身五法 (song shen wu fa) Five Loosening Exercises

Improvised by GMH, they are a form of prerequisite
movements before practicing the Tai Chi solo exercise

Shown by Kan Kun Tat

37势简易架子 (37 shi jian yi jia zi)
Tai Chi solo exercise (37 postures)

The solo exercise is an extension of the basic training, the main
difference being that the solo exercise requires movements of stance.

Grandmaster Huang Sheng Shyan
showing 1st section of Short Form in Kuching.

定步推手 (ding bu tui shou)
Fixed Step Push Hands

The requirement by GMH in fixed step push hands is that of
nullification & harmonious execution of force between 2 practitioners.

Shown by Kan Kun Tat & Tham Kong Zin

活步推手 (huo bu tui shou) Free-step Push Hands

Only when one masters the ‘hun yuan jing’ through all the necessary training,
even while in motion and faced with externalities, that rooting effects can
take place and the issuing and retention of ‘jing’ becomes second nature.

Demonstration by Mr. Foong Choon Sang of Huang Tai Chi Tenom
7th International Huang Tai Chi Tournament in Keningau, Sabah Malaysia June 2007

Hun Yuan Zhan Zhuang and Open & Close Legs.
Shown by Mr. Foong Choon Sang

Song Shen Wu Fa (SSWF - 5 loosening exercises).
Shown by Mr. Foong Choon Sang

1st section of Short Form.
Shown by Mr. Foong Choon Sang

Search using 'Huangtaichitenom' for more videos.

song is the secret!

Persatuan Tai Chi Huang Tenom Sabah
P.S. 212, Tenom, Sabah, 89908, Malaysia